Saturday, October 24, 2009

Soft Ski Boots?

I hate ski boots. They are so hard and very uncomfortable to walk in. I love snowboard boots because they are like shoes. Very soft and bend at the heel and toes. Do they make a ski boot like this? Where can I get it? I don't care if I break my ankle.

Soft Ski Boots?
Ski boots are perfectly comfortable if the fit well. The problem is, people are stupid enough to buy boots that don't fit (usually off the internet) and then complain about how uncomfortable ski boots are compared to snowboard boots. Have a bootfitter take a look at your boots...they can usually stretch or grind the shell to fit your feet better. You can also get custom footbeds, or buy beginner boots with plushy liners and a soft flex and one of those ski/walk switches.
Reply:You might wanna try a pair of rossignol's new boots either the soft lite1 or the soft lite3. I recently switched to these because the boots i normally wear make my feet cramp, and I love them. They have much more flex than normal boots and they are also excellent if you have wide feet. If these don't help out, my recomendation would be to go to an expert boot fitter and have custom boots made for you. If you ski over 15 days a year you should get customs anyway. Whe you have custom fitted boots it will feel much more natural and comfortable, your feet wont cramp or hurt and they will stay warm. Hope this helps
Reply:I've found that nordica or salomon boots are very comfortable, but no ski boots are that great for walking in.. just change into your boots right before you go out on the mountain.
Reply:LOL...ahhh, the one misery of skiing, the infamous ski boot!

Well, you could take up tele skiing, telemark boots are VERY comfortable, and more flexible for walking, but alas, they don't work for regular downhill ski bindings.

There used to be something, during the 80's, but I can't remember the name of it. It was a soft boot, and a big, spring-loaded arm attached to the special ski binding wrapped around the back of your lower leg for support.

I just did a little internet search, and couldn't find it.


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