Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can you be left or right footed ?


I only ask as I have replied to a right or left handed question.

It occured to me that folks are also right or left footed

For example you are taught to mono-ski with your right foot forward to take the impacts, whilt the left is employed behind to do the steering.

I cannot do it that way, so swapped the bindings over, and now I am happy.

I used to skateboaed the "wrong" way around, but if I want to kick a football as far as possible, I boot it with my right foot.

A confusing issue - any enlightenment ?


Can you be left or right footed ?
Hi Bob

I'm right handed, but I'm also left -footed. I discovered this years ago when I was being taught to water ski. My instructor first asked if he could check to see what foot I lead with. He stood behind me and pushed me gently, and I went forward with my left foot first.

So to answer your question, yes, it is possible to be left or right footed.
Reply:Yes, whichever foot you use more, or you start climbing a step with, you are that corresponding foot.
Reply:Bob, I am the same way as you are. I am right-handed, but am left-footed. I also used to ride a skateboard the other way (called "goofy-footed"). I couldn't tell you how many times I got made fun of. Now as far as kicking, I am stronger with my right.
Reply:Hi, yes you are left footed if your left handed. I don't know whether this can be vise versa
Reply:You cant.
Reply:ppl can be right or left footed, i guess there is no wrong way to ride a skateboard, im right handed but i still kick wiv my left foot sometimes.

hop it helps

Reply:I always thought that if you were left handed , then you would naturally kick a ball (etc) with your left foot too. My nephew is a leftie hander and footer

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