Friday, March 12, 2010

What downhill Ski Gear should I buy?

I want relitivly expensive gear for an 18 yr old male. Brand names only, but i dont no what to buy. I need skis for a person who skis 20 times a year and does black and double black diamond runs. I also need a very good helmet, ski boots, warm mitts and googles. What should I buy? price quotas would be nice. ?

What downhill Ski Gear should I buy?
Oakley's are great for goggles. i prefer Giro helmets. I like Nordica and Tecnica boots better too. You really need to go try them on and see what feels best on your feet.

I think if you are an expert, there are many skis you could use. I am an east coast skier, so I use GS skis, because I need a good edge on the ice. Out here, Volkl (marker bindings) and Atomics (atomic bindings) really get it done. If I was on powder, I would prefer a Dynastar Legend 8000 with Look or Rossi bindings, or maybe some Atomic Nomads with atomic bindings.

For us to recommend skis, we really need to know where you are skiing. In the end it's best to demo skis before you buy anyway, as what works for one doesn't necessarily work for others.

For $$ expect to 1200-1500 for top gear, with most of the $ going to the boots, bindings and skis

Just remember, when in doubt, demo!!!
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Reply:oakleys googles, 100$. Smith helmet 50$, ski boots rossingals or atomics, 200$, Rossingal bindings 150$, vokl katanas, 500$. about 1 grand. and grenade gloves.
Reply:Don't bother, just jump of a cliff. It's so much more fun, and its free!!!!
Reply:If money is not a problem and you have deep pockets I can easily say Volkl tigershark 12 foot powerswitch. I purchased the 10 foot model and even with my csia discount they ran to 1700 bucks with marker comp20 bindings. I kind of wish I hadn't been so cheap and shelled out the couple of extra bucks for the 12's they are unbelievably versatile the only ski I believe to actually be an "all mountain ski"

As far as boots go I have the atomic racetechs and elan rampages and to be honest I prefer the elan's...they're just more comfortable and my feet seem to stay warmer all day


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